Some information we think you will find useful.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Simple contact us. We’re always happy to help.

These are available to purchase in £10 vouchers and make a great gift towards special events, food, drinks including wine.
Terms & Conditions: This voucher is valid to the date specified and is not refundable or cannot be exchanged for cash. We reserve the right to refuse this voucher where appropriate.

Built in Medieval times the Bakers is full of challenges for disabled access. However, we have never experienced any problems which we cannot overcome. Our staff will gladly help and advise you on arrival to The Bakers. If you are coming for dinner we would like to know your requirements in advance in order that we may fully take care of your needs. All of the Bakers is ground floor level.
We're here to help!

If you are interested in working at The Bakers then please send your CV in the first instance to The Manager using our email address.